dlecms中文站 » 帮助中心 » 模板制作 » shortstory.tpl-短篇描述模板,描述模块

七月 11 2022


admin 11-07-2022, 08:48 帮助中心 / 模板制作 1 003

短新闻或短新闻是在主页、内部类别、目录、日期、收藏夹、newposts、lastnews和allnews页面中显示短文章和快速描述的主要模块,此短新闻将使用主题文件shortstory。tpl,inside category如果您指定了不同的主题文件,那么它们将使用与shortstory中相同的标记。

Tag Name Description
{title} - Display the article title
{title limit="x"} - Display article title with limited characters, a specified number of characters in the X tag. This will cut out the long original title to reduce title so it will help break the words in the middle and help in theme designs if there is limited space for article title.
{news-id} - ID number of the news, this number is the news numbers that stored in a database
{short-story} - Display a short news and news description
{short-story limit="x"} - Display text only short news without HTML formats, with the text of the article (shortstory) is reduced or cut out to X number of characters.
{author} - The author who submit the news
{date} - Date of submit, the date format can be configured in the system settings
{rating} - Display news rating
[ rating ] text [ /rating ] - Display the enclosed text only if the ratings for article enabled and disabled the contents, if it was disabled by adding news.
{vote-num} - Display the number of users who rated this news
{comments-num} - Display the number of comments posted in the news
{category} - Category that article added to (without link)
{category-icon} - Link on the category icon, it shows only the icon link and it use regular image formats, to add the icon in your theme you must use the correct html code such as <img src="{category-icon}" />
{views} - Number of views the News
{favorites} - Link to add or remove favorite news or bookmarks
[ edit ] Edit [ /edit ] - Link to edit news
{link-category} - Link to all categories which the news is posted in
[ full-link ] and [ /full-link ] - Link to the full news, for example [ full-link ]Read more…[ /full-link ]
[ com-link ] and [ /com-link ] - Link to comments on the article, this will only show if you allow the comments to be added
[ xfvalue_x ] - The value of an additional field "X", where "X" is the extra field name
[ xfgiven_x ] [ xfvalue_x ] [ /xfgiven_x ] - Display an additional field "X", if the field is not empty or blank, if the field is not input or leave blank then nothing will show, this useful if you add extra styles or text within the tag
[ xfnotgiven_X ] [ /xfnotgiven_X ] - Display the text specified inside the tag if the additional field has been set for publication of news, where "X" is the name of an additional field
[ group=X ]text[ /group ] - Text output to a specific group of users. Where X is the group ID list, separated user group by commas.
[ category=X ]text[ /category ] - Designed for the text output as if the user viewing in the X category. Where X is category ID to diaplay the text or content. Add category list ID separated by commas
[ tags ] text [ /tags ] - Display tag text if news contains the keywords added to the tag cloud
{tags} - Display keywords of news base on tag cloud
{full-link} - Display the full link URL to the full page details
[ edit-date ] text [ /edit-date ] - Display the edit info if the news has been edited
{edit-date} - Display the date what news had been edited
{editor} - Show the user who had edited the news (username)
[ edit-reason ] text [ /edit-reason ] - Display the info about the reason to edit the news, if the author give the reason
{edit-reason} - Display the text of reason to edit the news
{date=date format} - Display the date specified in the tag format. You can display not only the date but the whole format and its individual parts. The date format can only specified and used base on the standard format in PHP. For example the tag {date=d} displays the day of the month of news or comment, and the tag {date=F} displays the name of the month, and tag {date=d-m-Y H:i} display the full date (day-month-year) and time
{approve} - Displayed only when a user is viewing their profile and shows the status of the news that pending approval
[ fixed ] text [ /fixed ] - Display the text in the tags if the news is fixed
[ not-fixed ] text [ /not-fixed ] - Display the text in the tags if the news was not fixed
[ day-news ] text [ /day-news ] - Provide a link to all the news published on the same day. This tag can be used for example in conjunction with the tag {date}
[ catlist=1,2.... ] text [ /catlist ] - Display the text in the tag, if the news belongs to these categories then the text will show
[ not-catlist=1,2.... ] text [ /not-catlist ] - Display the text in the tag, if the news does not belong to these categories then the text will show
{login} - Display the author (username) without the link to the profile or popup windows, just simple username in paint text
[ poll ] text [ /poll ] - Text output in the data tags, if there is poll added to the news for vote or survey.
[ not-poll ] text [ /not-poll ] - Text output in the data tags, if there is no poll added to the news for vote or survey.
[ profile ] text [ /profile ] - Used for a direct link to the author's profile from shortstory, without using pop-up windows.
[ complaint ] text [ /complaint ] - Display text for the link to write or report a complaint to the news.
{category-url} - Display the full URL to the category which the article belongs to. This tag displays only the URL in a pure form, without any formats or direct URL and can't be modified.
[ comments ] text [ /comments ] - Display the text enclosed inside the tag if there is comment added in this article.
[ not-comments ] text [ /not-comments ] - Display the text enclosed inside the tag if there is "no" comment added in this article.
{image-x} - Display the images URL which is added in the "short news", where "x" is the number of "image number" in the news, for example {image-1} Image URL will display the first image from a "short news"
[ image-x ] text [ /image-x ] - Display the text specified within tag if the picture number "X" is existing in the news
[ tags=tag1,tag2,tag3 ] text [ /tags ] - Display the enclosed text when user/visitor views the page with the above keyword from the tag cloud, where tag1, tag2, teg3 key words from the tag cloud.
[ not-tags=tag1,tag2,tag3 ] text [ /not-tags ] - Display text on any other pages except those specified in the tag.
[ declination=X ] text [ /declination ] - Display declension words about numbers. As the parameters instead of the tag is transmitted by X, but instead the "text" transmitted to the root word ends. Word endings are listed with the symbol "|". This tag is useful with other tags that display such as news or views number of comments. For example [ declination={comments-num} ]comment|th|l|s[ /declination ] depending on the number of comments will display: "1 comment," "2 comments", "10 comments"
[ newscount=x ] text[ /newscount ] - Display the text specified in the tags if the news shows X, where X is the number of items per page news. For example [ newscount=1 ] text [ /newscount ] will display text when the account is first page news.
[ not-newscount=X ] text [ /not-newscount ] - Display the text enclosed in these tags when showing any news on the page counts, other than those of "X" news. This tag can be useful if you want to display any design elements all over the news in short news show, except the above. For example, do not show anything in the first list news.





07 七月 2022

完整新闻或fullnews是显示完整文章和完整描述的主要模块,此完整新闻将使用主题文件fullstory。 tpl,inside category如果您指定了不同的主题文件,那么它们将使用与fullstory中相同的标记。

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