dlecms chinese website » cms template » wordpress » Movedo v3.2.3 - We DO MOVE Your World
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november 08 2019

Movedo v3.2.3 - We DO MOVE Your World

admin 8-11-2019, 10:20 cms template / wordpress 863

Your moment to shine has arrived!!! MOVEDO is a creative and multi-purpose WP theme masterfully handcrafted for nothing less than awesomeness. It literally sets in motion a series of new features, such as ultra-dynamics parallax, radical safe button, super-crispy moldable typography, and immaculate future-proof device style to break free from the tyranny of sameness.

Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/movedo-we-do-move-your-world/17923709

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article information:

  • article author: admin
  • release date: 08 november 2019 10:20
  • article category: cms template / wordpress
  • number of views: 863
  • number of comments on articles: 0

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