dlecms chinese website » cms template » wordpress » Annusa v1.0.0 - Modern Digital Bakery WordPress Theme
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march 24 2020

Annusa v1.0.0 - Modern Digital Bakery WordPress Theme

admin 24-03-2020, 10:20 cms template / wordpress 990

Annusa is micro transition based digital agency layout for agencies and freelancers is fully responsive with a slick design suitable for all creative fields. It is built on a Bootstrap Framework which offers clean, semantic HTML and well-structured atmosphere

Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/annusa-modern-digital-agency-theme/25880653

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article information:

  • article author: admin
  • release date: 24 march 2020 10:20
  • article category: cms template / wordpress
  • number of views: 990
  • number of comments on articles: 0

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